Whatever it is, there is always a way to bring it back to life.
Our services.
Lens cleaning
As we all know, lenses are a bit tricky to maintain. Sometimes we leave them in a dark and humid place, sometimes they just develop separation or haze due to the technical specifications of the lens and the temperature and light conditions. Anyhow, fungus, haze, separation, oil etc are a pain in the ass so we offer a cleaning service to keep them in their best shape.
Separation or haze repairs means to unglue, clean, glue and paint. It’s an expensive and risky process so we recommend to fix worth lenses. Our success ratio vary between 87% and 89%.
Electronic issues
Some of the film cameras specially the ones developed from the 70’s on use batteries to make their electronic work (shutters, lightmeters etc). We’ll do our best to fix those electronic issues.
CLA has been a very trending topic specially in the last 5 years. Shooting with film cameras has become extensively popular worldwide and many of those cameras, not used for many years, needed some love. So we offer the classic check &ready (now called CLA) where we pay special attention to all the electronic systems, slow and high speeds which use to be the most problematic ones, light-meters, rangefinder alignments, self-timers, advancing systems and so on. Every detail must be ready.
Sell it
If you want to fix your camera/lens but you don’t want to spend that money fixing it, once we receive the item and send you the budget with no extra cost, you can either get it back as you sent it to us, fix it or sell it to us.
If you plan selling your collection or a few cameras you have around, send us a message as we could help you out with that.
*6 Months warranty
All our repairs come with a 6 months warranty. Please check the warranty conditions in our Terms & Conditions page.